Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post 278

I did a re-take picture of Iron Man because the one I took last night wasn't clear enough. But here are some cool things, the Warriors picture is inside of my altered book, along with some of the other pictures like an in-progress invincible on canvas. TONS of fun!

But the cool thing is I took one of those song greeting cards that plays "Nowhere to Run to" and put it under the Warriors painting, and it plays when you open the page!!!! If you're a geek for the Warriors like me, hopefully you'll appreciate it. Two of my best friends in the world are working on the comic, they are back from NYCC, but I haven't heard from them yet, but I really want to show it to them. I really wish I could've made it to the convention, but I'm just getting ready for the show in Austin at the beginning of next month.

I'm hoping to do well at Staple, because the money I make there will be going to cover my trip to Heroes. If my art dealer isn't getting tables at Heroes I'll probably just be walking around with a bag of paintings on gessoed crescent board conversing with folks. I just can't justify to myself paying like 400 for a flight and then paying another however many hundred for a table. Maybe I can just pawn my wares on a street corner outside the hotel...heh heh....you think I'm kidding!

Either way, I'm having so much fun with doing all these paintings. I've been doing something non stop, but if I didn't have so many interruptions, in my free moments I could average 3-10X20 inch paintings a day. On a full free day, probably 6. The issue isn't coming up with ideas, it's just getting enough time!


Craig Zablo said...

Love the Warriors piece. The song is the icing on a tasty cake.

So, you're going to Heroes? You'll love it. Unfortunately, I don't think it's in the budget this year. It's one of the best shows anywhere so you're guaranteed a fun time!

Michael Denniston said...

Hope you can make it to Heroes!

And if not, just name the street corner... and that sounds much worse than it was meant to.

Regardless people like myself will be looking for you, table or no table.

Jason Gibson said...

Evan, I met you at the Richardson con a few weeks ago. You've inspired me and I really dig your style. The Invincible painting rocks man. You're a breath of fresh air in the comic art world.

Keep up the good work.